meditative moments

What follows are short bursts from my journal from this past week spent in Greece: “The air is soft and warm. Like every breath is a sip of milk and honey.””The black sand beach scorches the skin beneath my feet before the cold clear water offers its calming relief....

the power of meditation

Last night I lay flat in my bed. Eyes closed and breathing myself softly into sleep. Meditating on the thought of deep friendships and love.When all of a sudden the loud noises of footsteps and voices crept through the thin wooden walls. Puncturing the silent oasis I was trying...

“a movable feast”

Open the old wooden doors and step out into the street. Looking up at the charming old buildings with green shuddered windows, clothing hanging out to dry below them. The red tiled Tuscan roofs reflecting the sunshine that begs to break through the midday clouds. Taking a right from...

do it for you

Let go of your fears. Let go of your ego. Do it for you and not for them. This concept has been something I’ve really been working on with myself lately. Scared of what other people will think about the things I say or do. The things I put...

nights like this

It seems so romantic, nights like this. Spent cooped up in a dark room losing track of how many episodes we’ve watched. The screen projected 5 feet high onto the blank wall beside the bed. Only breaking to devour copious amounts of vegan sushi washed down with a bottle...

ciao for now

It has been exactly 3 months and 13 days that I have lived in Italy. The time I have spent here has been so amazing. I have learned, seen, and experienced more in the past few months that I could have thought possible. Italy has been so good to...

manifest your dreams

For a few weeks now I have had the words “manifest your dreams” on a sticky note stuck to my laptop. I am constantly thinking about the things I hope to do and accomplish in my life and have a running list compiled on my phone. Every time I...

lessons from running

I love running. It’s not just something I do for exercise, but something I would voluntarily do for fun. I recognize that this is a foreign concept for most people. There is just something about lacing up my running shoes and getting outside that fuels my fire and makes...

Optimism Now

Recently I was inspired by a blog post by Gretchen Rubin (author of “The Happiness Project” and “The Four Tendencies”)  about her twelve “personal commandments” to write my own set of personal commandments. They are just a short list of words or sayings that demonstrate your core values and things...

an ode to my idols

Idols. I have been so fortunate in my life as to have had so much access to such inspiring role models via the internet. Part of what makes all of these incredible individuals so amazing to me is the fact that when they were my age, they had no medium...