Vegan Vibes

Veganism is one of my greatest passions.

At 13 I went vegan after my mom decided to try it out when inspiration struck a health kick. She made the food in the house so I was, of course, defaulted into this new way of eating. Since then, I could not be happier and more thankful for the immense health, compassion, and knowledge that veganism has brought me. Having been raised like any “normal” American child on a diet of plentiful turkey sandwiches and grilled cheese, my first reaction to veganism was as any ice cream lover would be. But don’t we need to eat animals for protein? Doesn’t milk help you have strong bones? What will I eat now? These questions and my new curiosity towards food lead me to my own research and discovery of how incredibly healthy and powerful the vegan lifestyle can be. I have learned so much about health, the environment, and ethics from simply cutting meat, dairy, and eggs out of my diet.

Today, I am a healthy 18-year-old with strong bones, glowing skin, and endless energy. As a long distance runner who recently ran my first half marathon, I can confidently say that going vegan will make you a stronger, more energized, more resilient athlete. And protein is not a problem. 

Over the years I have collected loads of information via Ted Talks, documentaries, articles, and more on the topic of veganism and a plant based lifestyle. Use these resources below to answer all the questions you have about veganism and its benefits. I hope you find the information just as interesting and life changing as I have!

Ted Talks:

John McDougal~ The food we were born to eat:

Rip Esselstyn~ Plant Strong & Healthy Living: 

Youtube Videos/Channels: 

101 reasons to go vegan:

Happy Healthy Vegan:

(These channels are great for recipes and meal inspiration!)

Mr. and Mrs. Vegan:

Bonny Rebecca:

Tess Begg:

Ellen Fisher:



Documentaries on Netflix:


Food ink

Forks over knives

What the health

Engine 2: Kitchen Rescue

Peace & Plants ~Bella