into the unknown

This post marks the first of many.

One thing you should know about me is that I am NOT a procrastinator. If there is something I need to get done it will be done weeks in advance of the due date. When you create a personal passion project like I did with the Talking Wallflowers, there are no due dates. And though I created the blog in May of 2017, somehow I have managed to successfully procrastinate to post anything until now. I guess it’s because I only want to give my best material to the internet already so littered with thoughtless and unproductive content. But after marinating in the possibilities of what to do with the blog I had a profound realization. In life, you cannot expect perfection, especially right from the get go. You have to try and mess up and try and try again.

That has always been a hard concept for me to accept. As a perfectionist living in an extremely un-perfect world, I have always struggled to collect my thoughts and observations about the world into anything other than an organized mess of lists and unfinished journal entries. I have always strived for perfection and success from everything I do. But that’s just not the way life is. Life comes and it goes, it ebbs and it flows. We are constantly growing and evolving and so is the world we live in.

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” ~ Heraclitus

They say every journey starts with a single step. So here I go, on a voyage into the unknown. Though it is new and unpredictable it is enormously exciting to be in a period of transition because with change comes growth. One thing I have learned in the past 18 years is that personal growth comes from allowing yourself to get comfortable in the uncomfortable and by immersing yourself in life’s unease. Newly 18, fresh out of high school, and about to leave home for a country I’ve never been to halfway across the world. I’d say so myself that I am in quite the extraordinary position. Along the way I’m going to mess up, I’m going to fall down, but it’s all just a part of the process. I can’t expect perfection on my journey because life’s most important lessons are learned in the dirt. This blog will serve as a public journal and personal canvas for my thoughts, inspirations, and experiences as I evolve.

I hope you enjoy following my journey into the unknown, this is gonna be good ~Bella <3