the energy you give

There’s no point in going through life unhappy. Playing the victim, accepting that things are just the way they are. It is simply a waste of time and energy to fall into the downward spiral of negativity. We are not victims of our circumstances. We have the power and ability to change the energy that surrounds us. Though the factors that create our lives may SEEM absolute, we actually contain the tools within us to completely shift what we think is our reality. It all starts with the mind.

How we think means everything. The universe conspires to present to you what you seek from it. If you walk around looking for reasons to be upset, for people who aggravate you, and for situations that make you unhappy, you will receive them. And it works in the opposite way as well. If you search for the positive in your day-to-day life, pay attention to the things that make you happy, and ignore the things that don’t, you will receive good things. It’s all about how you perceive the world and the life you live in it.

The cliches are true. “What goes around comes around.” “You get what you give.” If you focus on sending good energy into the universe you will raise your vibration and the universe will respond by giving you good things in return. The shift in your perspective and mood will raise you to a higher vibration and attract things that hold your same vibration. Negative, “life sucks and nothing ever goes well for me” vibrations will attract more bad things to happen to you. Not only because you refuse to change your perspective and see a more positive side, but also because you are riding on a wavelength that will attract bad things to happen to you simply because you expect them to.

It is for this exact reason that happy, positive people continue on an upward trajectory through life, and negative people never get out of their sucky rut. Until that is, they make a conscious decision to change how they think about and view the world that surrounds them.  It sounds hippie dippy but It’s something I truly believe in. Mentality is the root of everything that surrounds you. You must give what you wish to receive. Give love, get love, give kindness, get kindness. It’s as simple as that.

I highly recommend reading “You are a Badass” by Jen Sincero. I guarantee it will change your life. <3~ Bella